Here’s why Islam is practiced so differently from country to country

The Muslim Times


Source: Business Insider

No religion is unified. How Catholicism, for example, is practiced in rural Italy differs from the way this is done, say, in New York city. Language, culture, tradition, the political and social contexts, and even food is different in these two places.

Such geographic differences are certainly important in Islam. But also important are the numerous legal schools and their interpretations. Since Islam is a religion predicated on law (sharia), variations in the interpretation of that law have contributed to regional differences.

Also significant in the modern world is the existence of other religions. Malaysia, for example, has a relatively large percentage of religious minorities (up to 40% of the population). Saudi Arabia has virtually none.

This means Malaysia has had to develop a constitution that protects the rights of religious minorities, whereas Saudi Arabia has not. And it’s why Islam is so different in these…

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The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), said: “None of you has faith until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.”

These Golden Rules are found in Christianity, Judaism, and other religions.

The prophet Jesus (pbuh) ; “Love your neighbor as yourself. If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

“If you love God, you love for all people, but if you still hate other, you are a big liar.”

These are the messages we must give the next generation.(our children and grandchildren) at home and schools.

If we want peace on earth, we have to follow Allah’s laws; “love all people “

Allah is a King of the King on earth, He who created earth and Heaven. He is All Knower, and All Wiser

Love is the seed of peace, happiness and prosperity,

but hatred is the seed of the darkness, violence and poverty.

For You from My Heart.

All those who read shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; O Allah, be my witness, that I have conveyed your message to your people.

Wassalamu’alaikum wrwb

With all my love


Are US businesses doing enough to support religious diversity in the workplace?

The Muslim Times

theguardian: by Alison Moodie —

Religious discrimination claims in the US have doubled since 2001. Should businesses take more steps to ensure every employee feels valued?

Samanth Elauf stands with her mother outside the US Supreme Court in Washington in February 2015.
Elauf was denied a sales job at an Abercrombie Kids store in Tulsa because of her hijab. Photograph: Jim Bourg/Reuters

Late last year, US food processing company Cargill fired 150 Muslim workers from its beef processing plant in Colorado after a dispute over prayer breaks. After facing protests about the layoffs, the company changed its rehire policy earlier this month, allowing the fired employees to reapply for their jobs. The incident points to a growing challenge in the American workplace: what companies can do to accommodate their employees’ faiths.

The federal Civil Rights Act requires public and private employers to accommodate their workers’ religious needs as long as…

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